Position the Nantes site among the best on the international academic and scientific scene


What are the objectives of International part ?

Internationally, the NExT project aims to enhance the visibility and attractiveness of the Nantes site. This leads us to pursue two directions. On the one hand, to position the Nantes site in the leading pack on the international academic and scientific scene, in particular on the industry of the future and the health of the future (priorities of the I-Site NExT) and on the second hand, to offer an attractive welcome to the international public (researchers, teacher-researchers, students …) by facilitating their integration as soon as they arrive in Nantes (accommodation, language courses, employability …).


How to meet these objectives ?

To achieve these objectives, the operational team works in a very concerted manner on the topics of research and training, in close collaboration with the concerned actors of the Nantes site. These reflections, which will continue throughout the project, led to the launch in early December of a first series of calls for projects. Many of these calls for projects reveal a predominant international dimension.

« Position the Nantes site among the best on the international academic and scientific scene

This is the case, for example, of the international research partnerships (IRP) call for projects, which aims to bring out international research networks in NExT’s priority themes, as well as the NExT Talents call for applications. The aim is to attract national and international talent to Nantes. The call for projects Globetrottez! International Masters, also, makes the international dimension a priority by proposing the creation of international masters exclusively in English.


How to work in the long term?

With this panel of calls for projects, we wish to allow the actors of the research and the higher education to carry out their projects integrating a significant international dimension. Throughout the I-Site NExT project, we will continue to widen the tools available to these actors committed to the development of the Nantes site and thus enable them to develop and reinforce sustainable links internationally. This will also confirm the visibility and attractiveness of Nantes on the world stage.


Calls for proposals


International Research Partnerships (IRP)

The objective of the IRP is to establish international research networks specializing in the priority areas of NExT. Networks established at the research unit level must therefore act as catalysts for new international partnerships with high-level institutions. Funding of € 400,000 per IRP will be awarded for three years to a research group from the Nantes site wishing to develop a partnership with international research groups working on the same theme.


Internationally renowned inter university competitions

The NExT Initiative proposes to support students wishing to participate in an iGEM or HYDROcontest type competition or to organize a new international interuniversity competition in Nantes. The competitions will focus on the industry of the future and the health of the future. Volunteer students will be members of a mixed team from several establishments in Nantes. The participation of Nantes teams in these competitions will increase the international visibility of the site, foster collaborations between NExT member institutions, develop the talents of students, and create or strengthen links with international university teams.






All calls for proposals